Take care of your data and choose the right backup solution!

The world has stood on its head over the last few years and many things have changed, but one thing has definitely not – the need for good data backup. Most still fall short of the most important expectations. IT administrators still spend too much time on backups, at the expense of resources and energy to proactively address the real business challenges holding back growth. Doesn’t this breed genuine frustration?

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A gaming monitor to suit your needs!

gaming monitor

Do you like playing computer games? Or are you involved in gaming professionally? Then we are glad that you have come to this place. We have prepared a comprehensive guide, where you can find out which gaming monitor will be suitable for everyday gaming and what parameters you should take into account when buying this kind of equipment. We will also suggest a few models that are worth looking at. Ready? Here we go!

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Senetic earns further Solutions Partner specialisations from Microsoft

Solutions Partner

Microsoft has made changes to its programme so that its partners can earn Solutions Partner specialisations in accordance with their competencies. Senetic has gained as many as four of these to date: Data & AI, Digital & App Innovation, Infrastructure and Modern Work. The titles are a measure of the unique know-how, experience and high engineering skills in a partner’s resources.

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Senetic executes global migration project of Forterro Group’s Microsoft 365 environments

Forterro is gradually expanding its network of companies around the world, and the business model adopted necessitates the rapid adaptation of acquired entities to the standards of the Group’s IT environment. The Microsoft 365 migration is the responsibility of Senetic, which as a global Microsoft partner is able to provide full project support from analysis to migration. To date, 8 companies of the company from 5 countries have been migrated. These numbers are still growing!

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How do you sort out your IT infrastructure with us to get the most out of Microsoft 365? (case study)

Microsoft 365

Purchasing, installing and configuring licences is usually a simple matter that IT departments in companies and institutions around the world deal with every day. However, it may be the case that an organisation’s infrastructure is more complex and, in short, unprepared to exploit the full potential of Microsoft 365 solutions. What then? Where can you find support?

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